Gatti Rosato Acosta – 06/28/2024

From Mommy: Gatti girl, I will miss you so very much. My entire life I wanted a black kitten, and I got a princess instead. When I committed to adopting you, I was about to leave for Italy and you didn’t have a name yet. I went to a place in Rome where they have a cat shelter on an archeological site. There, I jokingly asked how to say “Here kitties!” and said, “Qui Gatti!” I thought Gatti sounded cute and that became your name. So, yes your name is plural for cat, but typo or not I always loved your name and I loved you. You liked the color neon puke radioactive green, I’m not sure why but both your favorite mouse and your plushie lizard were that color. I hope that you will rest well and know you were loved for every day of your nineteen years of life, and that your green lizard toy is with you now – we have your mouse right here for when you come home. Thank you for being the best princess ever. We’ll make sure to take good care of your brother Trouble, he misses you and loves you too. Rest well on the Rainbow Bridge girl, and I hope you have a mountain of wet food and million green mice. From Daddy: Gatti, my sweet girl, I never had cats in my life from growing up with 2 dogs, so when you moved in with me, I had no idea what to expect. Thankfully, you bonded with me right away and showed me that the stereotypes for cats are just that. We had so much fun together over the years, many conversations, snuggle purr fests, and successful green mouse hunts. I remember when you started becoming a lap cat and jumping up on the couch to join us. I remember the times when you very vocal about wanting wet food all the time and how hard it was to get you used to not having that all the time. You and your brother are the sole reason why I love cats now, and I never would have expected that to happen. I miss you girl and hope you get the best sleep and food ever on the Rainbow Bridge.
