Tabitha, (Tabby Girl) B: 3/17/12- D: 10/27/23

My Tabby Girl, idk what happened, idk why! I know I lost a fur child when you took your last breath in my arms. I cannot imagine my life without you! Especially when I’m going to the bathroom and you screaming to be let in so you can jump and put your claws in my side and back to go to your place on my back. To Watch over me! I’m going to miss how you cried for me when I wasn’t home, and how you curled up on me with your face in mine when I was sick! Or you sleeping above my head when I’m sleeping!! It’s been incredibly hard to see your spot on my pillows. Oh my girl, I wish you could have said mommy I need help. But you were always so strong. I can’t wait to be with you again. I really hope it’s soon. Because I need to be with you my love. My heart has been shattered into a billion pieces. I haven’t stopped crying over you! Now that you have crossed that rainbow bridge I hope you find peace and love in our Heavenly Father’s embrace. I know you will be with your sleeping buddy Solomon 10/12/19, (17yrs) And Mow (18yrs)03/09/19. But I also know all of our human families that have passed will take care of you! Oh, GOD HOW I MISS YOU!!! I LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH!!
Lots of love from your Mommy, Daddy, human brother Bobby, Sis, Mary, and Conner!!
Fur family Solomon’s son Arrow, (your other sleeping buddy) Cassiopeia (cat) and Maggie (cat) and Sydney(bird)!
I will miss you forever My Love, My Angel. Wait for me by the gates ok?
