
lucy, i miss you so much. i say it every day. i had you for 6 years and it wasn’t long enough. you and ricky spent so much quality time together with me 24/7. i miss you so much it’s tearing me up. i’ve had many pets but you and ricky are different. i got so lucky when i rescued the 2 of you. it bothers me you had the best vets and even though i spent 12 thousand $ they couldn’t help you. now it’s just ricky and me without you. there isn’t a day that goes by that i don’t think of you. i hope your happy and not scared that i’m not there. i hope you know that wasn’t my choice. until we meet at the rainbow bridge. i love you with all my heart. i miss you boo boo, the baby, chuckle nose, my little old lady, i miss calling you all your nicknames.
lucy reece
