
My dearest Cash, I got the phone call today that you will be coming home to mommy and daddy this week. i miss you so much, so does katie and travis. I feel so bad that your first three years of life were so cruel and difficult and then we rescued you. You were so sick with heartworm and we loved you so much we had to put you through that terrible treatment to make you better. Then we had 5 beautiful and wonderful years together until you got sick again. Mommy tried so hard to help you, and I am so sorry that you spent your last night at the Vets away from home. We had no idea how sick you really were until the MRI told us. We would have done anything to save you but it wasn’t in God’s plans. You were so smart, so beautiful and so loyal. It isn’t fair but one day we will be together forever my son. Have fun where you are until we meet again, at least you are no longer in pain. I cry for you every day and just wish I could have done more. I will always love you. Mommy ans Daddy too. He is lost without you.
Cecelia and John Hammer
