Rok, 6/99-11/29/13

We miss you so much our good old boy. It’s only been 6 days since you went to the Rainbow Bridge and I’ve got to say the house is not the same without you. No one to greet Daddy at the door when he comes home from work, no one to eat our leftovers or share my ice cream at night. We made a shrine in your honor at the exact spot your bed was at because we found ourselves always looking over there for you. Your ashes and paw print are there and your Rainbow Bridge poems and a huge picture of you also. We know you are ok and are not having any more pain, you are playing and running again with your pal Brody. Please keep watching over us as you always did. I talk to you all the time and take you up to bed at night, it’s comforting to me to know that you will always be by my side…you were the best, loyal friend I’ve ever had. Life is not the same but I know that you are still here with me, Mommy can feel you buddy…We love you old pal…Mommy and Daddy Gliem..
