Leo, 2013-2023

To my sweet, sweet Leo AKA grumpy AKA stinky. To say I will miss you is an understatement. What a huge loss. I love you so much. I hope to see you again on the other side.

Zeus 2011-2023

My precious, precious boy. Seven years after I adopted you……almost to the day, you were called home to the Rainbow Bridge. How my heart aches. I miss you so much. That little soft tongue hanging out of the side of your mouth. Those big black eyes. Your gentle, loving self. Your sister, Reo, keeps lookingContinue reading “Zeus 2011-2023”

Bernie, 2009-2023

Well Bernie, you definitely took a piece of our hearts with you when you left us. We’ll always remember you for your loyal, sweet, and gentle disposition. You’ll always be our best friend! Miss you and love you forever!

Eddie, Adopted 10/30/14- 5/11/23

My sweet boy, I still can’t believe that you’re gone. These past few days have been the hardest days ever. I feel your presence everywhere. Thank you for coming into our lives and giving us so much love. I can’t wait until we meet again. I love you my bestest boy. Xoxo mommy
