
Ever since you were a puppy, you’ve always held a special place in my heart as my first pet were with us everyday for 10 years and made us smile every single day. Losing you last week was devastating but I know that your time was limited..and now that you’re at peace I knowContinue reading “Cheyenne”


Rocky, I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed seeing you and mom when you came in to visit and pick up your cookies. You were always so excited to see me and I was just as excited to see you. You were and still are a beautiful, gentle soul and I willContinue reading “Rocky”


Hi Maxie Baby, it’s Mama and it’s been 2 weeks now that we have to let you rest. It’s really hard for me to write this as I am not ready for you to go but I have to and I hope you understand that I was trying to make you feel better. Now, IContinue reading “Maxie”

Ariel, 4/6/2001-11/22/14

My baby girl, Ariel, I love and miss you so very much. I fought so hard not to let you go but realized each day was getting harder for you. You will forever be in my heart. Love forever, Mommy Donna
