
My baby boy Max, You were my sanity during the most stressful times in my life. Maxi you made every moment of everyday brighter in our lives, you made coming home from a stressful job a joy. Sleeping in my bed daily and being so playful made you oh so very special. I thank theContinue reading “Max”


Dear sweet little Nikki, Our tears and memories soothe our wounded souls. You brought so much love and happiness into our lives and we miss every moment now without you. You will always be our precious little guy and live in our hearts forever. Our lives were so enriched for the 18 years you gaveContinue reading “Nikki”


To my Cookie Girl you were the best dog that anybody could ask for. You were our best friend and you will be missed everyday. I love you bubba and one day I will see you and Maxboy again over that rainbow bridge. Don & Jen Fischer
