Honored Pet Memorial Wall

Honored Pet Memorial Wall

In Loving Memory…

Remembrance is important. The memorials on this wall will never be taken down, creating an everlasting tribute to your loved one. The pets honored below have touched the lives of families and will be forever missed.



Please know that by submitting your loved one’s memorial on this page, you are also allowing us to share their picture and story in a post on our social media pages. Be sure to follow us for a chance to see your loved one’s story highlighted.

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Cotto – 12/18/2011- 02/20/2024

To our Cotto man, stinkerface. We love you so much buddy and will never ever forget you. I saw a quote today that I thought was perfect. “If you give them what they need, they will give you the world” You were the BEST dog we could’ve ever asked for. Run free my love, we will miss you soo much down here. 💙🐾

Luna Skye – 02/20/2024

You are a loyal friend and you gave love unconditionally. Our lives will never be the same and you hold a special place in our hearts. Thank you for the special hugs and kisses when we needed it. We love you forever Luna Skye. The best husky we ever had.

Lily Trejos, 4/8/2008-2/14/2024

Lily was an amazing cat, she loved to cuddle, play with water and enjoyed her treats. We were so in love with her. Never met a cat like her. She was truly special. there is not a day I dont miss her, I thing of her every day. Hope you are healthy where ever you are mama!

Lily Trejos, 4/8/2008-2/14/2024

Lily was an amazing cat, she loved to cuddle, play with water and enjoyed her treats. We were so in love with her. Never met a cat like her. She was truly special. there is not a day I dont miss her, I thing of her every day. Hope you are healthy where ever you are mama!

Snickers 9/2008- 02/03/24

He was my best buddy always by my side. He got through some dark times. Without you my life changes forever.. This hurts me so much but I will forever cherish all the memories with you. I love you. Until we meet again

Snickers 9/2008- 02/03/24

He was my best buddy always by my side. He got through some dark times. Without you my life changes forever.. This hurts me so much but I will forever cherish all the memories with you. I love you. Until we meet again

Karma Graham – 03/23/2005 to 02/20/2024

Our baby girl. Lived a long life. She was a fighter and loved her life up until her last moment. Not sure how to deal with these feelings. She was our angel for so long; don’t know how to go on without her, and it’s hard to accept that we will have to. I love you with all of my heart Karma Bear. Not a day will go by when I don’t picture your gorgeous face and miss your cuddles and voice.

Penelope 06/06/2015 – 02/20/2024

Thank you for being the best dog we could ever ask for. You’ll forever be in our hearts, Miss Ma’am.



Miss Candy -02/20/2024

My beautiful little girl I had for 14 and 1/2 years. Sadly cancer has taken her away from all of us… She was a very special spirit, little best friend, helped me through so much in my life. She will be missed by so many! We love you Candy Girl! 😭❤️







Frankie 10/01/2011 – 02/20/2024

Frankie was my beautiful blue-eyed boy. He had the loudest purr and preferred to sleep tucked in my arm. He was born in Louisiana and moved with me to New Jersey. Me and his good buddy Benny will miss him so much.



Cali – 02/18/2024

Cali girl, loved by all!!






Mama you were the toughest cookie that a cat could be! We will miss you tremendously! We love you!


