
Spooky, I miss you so much and I think of you every single day. This Thanksgiving and Christmas is going to be so hard not having you around. I know you are in a better place. Love you forever my boy. Tara


Our precious boy Maverick.. I can not express the imprint you have left on our hearts. It is tremendous in size and beoynd beautiful. Your loving spirit will live with us forever. Thank you for giving us 6 wonderful years of Happiness. As I always told you “you were Mommy’s First baby.” Daddy loved youContinue reading “Maverick”


My Dearest Snowy you made the last twelve years amazing you were my best freind! I loved you so much and will be so lost without you! I hope you are at peace at the rainbow bridge my freind, life will never be the same:( love you with all my heart. 11/14/12 kim karecky


Going back to the beginning I chose you in a litter filled with pups you were the chosen one. I remember how feisty you were but never did you break anything. You grew up and became a handsome, obedient, respectful, funny, lovable and loyal son to the end not to just me but to yourContinue reading “Duganster”


My dear Papo you are terribly missed by your family, your sister Becky looks uncomfortable and sad. My heart hurts, you passed much to soon. summer of 2006 – 10/1/2012. Rest in peace my best friend Papo. Robert Dejesus


Tulle, You died on 8/28 around midnight. Saying goodbye to you was the hardest thing I have ever done. I miss you so much my “mamma puppy girl”! You were my best friend, companion and support. I will always love you and think of you; and I’m thankful to God that you were in myContinue reading “Tulle”


My Dear Dolce, When I saw your picture in a local magazine I knew you were destined to be mine. I knew you were an older gal and my mission was to have the rest of your life lived knowing love and comfort. Well, we only had you for two and a half years, butContinue reading “Dolche”
