
For Katie. August 30, 2011. You stuck by me for twenty-two long and loving years. Although you never weighed more that seven pounds, you weigh heavily on my heart now. I will miss your extra loud purrs and sitting on my head all night, never to leave me. Please rest peacefully and if you happenContinue reading “Katie”


Timber Boo- Daddy & I will never be able to fill the void inside our hearts since we had to let you go… You filled our lives with an enormous amount of Joy. We miss you and will think about you everyday. Hugs & Kisses from us & ginger to you. ♥ u Always! ToContinue reading “Timber”


Eddie, it’s been a week since I got the phone call that you were gone. Even though you lived in a different house you were still thought of as our puppy too. I will miss seeing you at the window and greeting me at the door when i came over. Aaron asks about you andContinue reading “Eddie”


My dear sweet furry child Puss, We lost you June 25, 2011. We go each and every day with the loss of you. We miss you so so much. We have no children and you were like our little baby. We nursed you back to health but your disease was too much for us andContinue reading “Puss”
