
To my Mezzimo, I’m sorry I could’nt help you enough, but I hope you are in heaven and having a good time. You will always be with me in my heart. I love you. Maybe I will see you again. I know I will. I love you always Mommy Elizabeth Williams


Rok I’ll never forget the day we first met. Exactly 12 years ago last month, John and I decided to go to PetSmart with the intentions of adopting a pet for Sam and Evan. I had no idea what I was looking for but went there with an open mind. When we got there IContinue reading “Rok”


To Mezzimo I hope you are in heaven having a good time. I will always love you. You are my best friend. May god be with you always. I told the priests about you, I am sure they gave you a blessing. Elizabeth Williams


My Dearest and first dog Rudi- Radojka….1999- 12-27-2011 You came to me for a reason, as soon after your arrival you nearly died as an 8 week pup….your chart thickened throughout the years but we always prevailed— surgery after surgery and illness after illness. You brought so much to my life …and to my daughter….weContinue reading “Rudy”


My dearest sweet Schnookie, yesterday was our last day together. How I miss you so. Words can’t describe how much I loved and cherished you. Where you used to lay is an empty space now. But our hearts will always be intertwined as they have been for the past 18 years. I still feel yourContinue reading “Schnookie”
