
Jeter, When we adopted you as a kitten you were very sick. we tube fed you, medicated you, and loved you very much. The doctors werent sure if you were going to make it. You Pulled through and taught us many things, even though you were only with us for a short period of time.Continue reading “Jeter”


Haze, you were my best friend. I lost something very special the day I lost you. You’ll always be in my thoughts and forever in Gamma’s heart. Jane Geherty ( Gamma )


My Dearest Protector Nicky, We have cried a million tears since you went to heaven on Saturday, April 27, 2013. We are so heartbroken and nothing seems to feel the void me and your Dad share. Enzo and Cello are looking for you everywhere especially in the morning because Cello and you always laid together.Continue reading “Nicky”


Lily, Thank you for waiting for me to get back home to say good bye on April 1, 2013. It must have been tough to wait that 1 day with the discomfort you must have felt, yet hid so well. I never expected to bring you to the vet and have you returned via fedexContinue reading “Lily”


fifi, remember when grandma found you crying so loud that rainy, summer evening? i kept telling everyone i heard a cry. then i went out in the rain and found you and your sister or brother hidden in some old recliner on the curb ready to get thrown out. your sister got scared and ranContinue reading “FiFi”


Fi-Fi, today I say good-bye to you, my absolute most precious beloved. Today you passed as me and daddy held you. We love you so much and hope you know that. You touched me like no other and I hope you have lots of appetizer’s, treats, milky milky milk and plenty of water. I loveContinue reading “Fi-Fi”


Nya I can’t believe it’s been 6 months already and it feels like just yesterday you were here. We miss you more and more everyday you gave us the best 11 years with you. I miss talking to you and you sitting on my feet. I love you so much! I hope you are keepingContinue reading “Nya”
