
Jeter, When we adopted you as a kitten you were very sick. we tube fed you, medicated you, and loved you very much. The doctors werent sure if you were going to make it. You Pulled through and taught us many things, even though you were only with us for a short period of time. You taught us patience, how to love unconditionally, how to tube feed, how to wipe snots and eye crusties, how to administer IV fluids, how to manage to make it to work after a long night of worrying, how to make a tough decision, how to wipe a tushie, that its okay for our house to be messy and “lived in”, that accidents happen, and most of all to love and cherish each and everyday like its our last. There aren’t enough words to tell you how much you meant to us. You were so young and had so much more of your life to live, but god must have had bigger and better plans for you. We miss you and will continue to miss you everyday. Our house is not a home without you. Dizzle, Tessa, Reilly, and MJ still look around for you. We all love you so much and we know that you are in a better place, pain free. Always remember that we love you very much and would do anything to have kept you with us longer. Don’t forget to come visit us. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again. Until then, please watch over us and continue to love us the way we still love you! Well miss you forever bud
Love, mommy (Pam) daddy (Matt) Dizzle Tessa Reilly and baby MJ
