Ping Pong

Our Sweet Shih Tzu Ping Pong went to the Rainbow Bridge yesterday 10/24/14 and our hearts are heavy missing our special dog. Ping Pong loved to go for walks and have neighbors and even strangers say hello to her. She loved people! Her favorite time of the day was mealtime, as she loved to eat.Continue reading “Ping Pong”


To my girl Kitty, I miss you and I love you. You were a part of my life for 15 years and my first pet when I moved out on my own. You were my girl. I nicknamed you my Kitty Butt or Bunny Butt girl. I know you had a good long life withContinue reading “Kitty”


Happy Birthday to you my beautiful BABY BOY MYLO. I know you are having fun in heaven playing with all your friends, but I sure wish that you were here with me. You just left me on 9/15/14 but it feels like eternity. Have fun on your birthday with all your friends. Run free, chaseContinue reading “MYLO”


Hey ROK….just thinking about you today..Your 1 year anniversary is coming up and a lot of my friends pets have recently gone to the Bridge..I know you are helping all of them and taking them under your wings..We now have a Cat that was a stray and we are helping him out (can you imagineContinue reading “Rok”


ricky you left me 9-7-14 and i feel so………… empty inside.before we lost lucy on 11-17-12 it was the 3 of us.we were always together.i’ve had lots of pets but you 2 were very special to me.then after lucy left us it was you and me.every where i look or go we were there andContinue reading “Ricky”


I can’t believe it’s been a little over a week since you passed on. Nicholas you have been such a large part of our life. Things aren’t the same. Samuel , Maxwell and even Kacey seem lost without you. I miss you always being the first one ready for breakfast and Dinner. Daddy misses theContinue reading “Nicholas”


Boo, my special little snowflake, you changed my life when you chose me. I will never forget the day you wandered into my world, as if you had been meant to be there the whole time. You helped me to grow up and become a stronger person at a time when I was very scaredContinue reading “Boo”


Buki my Love, July 18 today reminds me of the day Mommy lost you physically. It’s a year now and the hardest year ever in my life. I accept that you are here with me in spirit. Of course I miss you everyday as I bother you endlessly from the time I wake up andContinue reading “Buki”
