Orby was everyone’s bestfriend. He was a kind gentle soul with a huge loving heart. He had a way of talking to everyone with his eyes. We will cherish all the memories and miss all the endless cuddles and kisses. We miss you more than words can say. Remember us always your loving and adoringContinue reading “Orby August 25 1997/November 29 2017”
Author Archives: c95609x1
ABBY 8/31/2004 – 11/15/2017
My angel, I will always miss you and never forget you. I hope and pray you are at peace. Love, Mommy
Mezzimo Williams 06/2002 /01/2012
Monte August 7 2003 November 4 2017
You were my first pet, I might not have had you as a puppy, u were amazing dog loving so happy when I would get home from work, I’m truly going to miss you, today was the hardest day to let you go, always know I love you and u will always be in ourContinue reading “Monte August 7 2003 November 4 2017”
Mezzimo Williams 06/2002 01/2012
Haappy Columbus Day From Mpmmy
My Best Friend
Henry 2/1/07 – 9/29/17
To my best friend. My most precious little man. You were everything to me. It’s been a few days now and it hasn’t gotten any easier. I know in the last year things got tough but I could never give up on you. People keep asking me if I’m at all relieved that you’re atContinue reading “Henry 2/1/07 – 9/29/17”
Chipper 10/14/2003-09/26/2017
Last night I lost my best friend. She came into my life almost 14 years ago when my world was crashing and I needed a hand she came along one Christmas and gave me her paw. She was there for our family’s hard times and good times and we made sure we were there forContinue reading “Chipper 10/14/2003-09/26/2017”
Moose — 01/22/2015 to 09/23/2017
On April 1st 2015 I made the best decision of my life on bringing Moose home with me. The most beautiful white german shepherd/husky jumped of joy when I picked him up from his crate at the shop. It was love at first sight and I instantly knew deep down he was going to beContinue reading “Moose — 01/22/2015 to 09/23/2017”
COCO, 12/16/2004 – 09/19/2017
I never in a million years would have thought this day would come so fast. You gave me the best 13 years of my life, you gave me the best company I could ever asked for. I hope that wherever you are you get more pieces of chicken than me & mom ever gave you,Continue reading “COCO, 12/16/2004 – 09/19/2017”