
Hello Mezzimo I miss you alot but I know you are having a good time in heaven. I just want to wish you a happy palm sunday. I love you. I hope maybe in your next life we will have another chance together. Love you Mommy Elizabeth Willams


To my Mezzimo, I’m sorry I could’nt help you enough, but I hope you are in heaven and having a good time. You will always be with me in my heart. I love you. Maybe I will see you again. I know I will. I love you always Mommy Elizabeth Williams


Rok I’ll never forget the day we first met. Exactly 12 years ago last month, John and I decided to go to PetSmart with the intentions of adopting a pet for Sam and Evan. I had no idea what I was looking for but went there with an open mind. When we got there IContinue reading “Rok”


To Mezzimo I hope you are in heaven having a good time. I will always love you. You are my best friend. May god be with you always. I told the priests about you, I am sure they gave you a blessing. Elizabeth Williams
