To our brave and fearless little Koda Bear. May you be at peace now.
Category Archives: Memorials
You will forever be in our hearts Max!
Buddy – 03/25/2024
I was there when you came into my life and I was there when you left. You were the sweetest, most incredibly affectionate little guy, such a gift. To leave me so soon is truly heartbreaking. Daddy has you in his arms now. Rest in peace my little Buddy Boo. You are forever in myContinue reading “Buddy – 03/25/2024”
09/04/2014 – 03/18/2024
My precious, sweet Luna Belle. You couldn’t have been a better girl. You were my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye.
Sophie Martinez 12/26/2009 – 03/26/2024
Sophie was a great dog. She loved people, food, and soft places to nap. We will always love and remember our Sophie girl.
Jersey – 03/26/2024
We loved you for your whole life and we’ll miss you for the rest of ours!
My beautiful Sadie was not with us long enough, but the time we had was cherished beyond compare. The love I felt and continue to feel for this special girl is truly unmatched. Sadie bird…you will be forever in our hearts!!! Love you so very much!!!