Momo -10/4/2008-09/27/2022

Momo we miss and love you so much! We needed you more than you needed us. The only comfort is you’re no longer suffering. Thankful for the love, happiness, loyalty and everything good that you brought into our lives! You’re everyone’s first baby and May you Rest In Peace. You are loved and missed forever.


i still can not believe your gone I want to thank you again for being the best dog/son ever. I love you so much and i pray as you crossed over to a new peaceful existence, you are thinking of us as we are remembering you. We love you so so much and miss youContinue reading “Brody”

Chico, 07/04/2012-09/13/22

In loving Memory of our Angel Chico “chici butt” Moving forward from here, We can honestly say to feel this much pain, We know you loved us unconditionally. Your where the perfect friend and you will forever be missed. We love you… RIP Chico (Chici butt) Whittaker

Morgan 3/12/08-8/18/22

Morgan Rose💕 our sweet girl 💔 mommy Juliana and Nicholas miss you terribly, but Poppop most of all. His morning coffee isn’t the same without you. Our longest loved one you’re at peace after this wonderful life, you got us through it all baby girl 🥰 now your turn to rest.
