SPLASH – 05/07/2024

When I think of my splashy girl I think of a ray of sunshine. She was more than a dog, she was a therapist, a big hug, a smile that could go for days, a warrior, a best friend but most of all you were my heart. To know her was to love her. She loved everyone she met and always had time to give love and some cuddles. Even in her last days she never cried or was sad and though life was tough for her she always made sure you were ok giving you as much love as she could. Splash I’m going to miss you and I will love you forever. You will always have a piece of my heart . One day we will meet again and I know you will greet me at the rainbow bridge. You were my angel on earth, I hope your running up there whole again, I love you my sweet girl ❤️Love, Momny
