Splash, 9/3/2006 – 1/14/2024

If the picture doesn’t say it his personality certainly did. Though not the most obedient of dogs he was a local rock star in Atlantic Highlands. Splash, the name chosen by 12 year old Anastasia because it looked like he had paint “splashed” on his face, was born into a puppy mill in 2006. He was rescued in 2009, given so much love and lived a happy healthy 17 years up until the end. Although very skittish, probably due to his horrible living conditions early on, he provided so much joy, fun, and laughter with his daily antics. Sarcastically called “10 pounds of fury” for his barking if he was startled by a stranger he was known by us as our “lil buddy.” We love you lil buddy and you will forever be in our hearts. Thank you for so many fantastic memories, and for just being……Splash. A perfect and unique name. Just like you. Peace.
