Sully – 11/09/2023

It all happened so fast. How do you piece something back to together after it shatters into a million pieces? My heart is completely broken. You were just 2 years old when I adopted you in the summer of 2010. Months after college, I was looking to find my own place and realized one thing was missing from my home – you. I went to the SPCA and I found you – the biggest sweetheart immediately full of love and cuddles. It was as if you were waiting for me to pick you up. Everyone loved you and that baby face. We went through everything together. Always there for me during all of the ups and downs. It was me and you for so long and now I have to life without you. The Apple of my eye. The beat of my heart. You were never just a cat to me. My baby, my honey, the best part of my day, my Sully. You taught me unconditional love. I’m so grateful and honored to have been your mom. Life is going to be very strange without you. We will be together again someday. Until then, rest easy, my Boo. Love you so much. Forever and always in my heart.
