Arroyo Swift “Wolf” – 03/05/2024

Today we lost our best friend Wolfie (Arroyo Swift Wolf). He was the most shy greyhound when we picked him from the bunch almost 5 years ago. He was stiff as a board not walking on leash or making eye contact but we knew all that boy could be and took a chance on him. That day, we took home two greyhounds, Wolfie and Izzy to keep him company (Natalia Isabel Camille). Their days at the track were over and retirement began. He blossomed over the years we had the privilege to love him. He became this larger than life boy, everyone who met him fell in love with his quiet polite demeanor. He taught us patience and showed us the joys of adopting, every day becoming more and more affectionate. We are broken, having found out he had an incurable autoimmune disease that decided to target his brain. While our time with him was cut short, we are so grateful to Greyhound Friends of NJ for putting him in our lives. We hope we were able to fill his 6 short years on this earth with as much joy and love as he provided to us. Our sweet boy has found peace. -Makenzie and Alfredo
