Bear – 11/19/2011 – 11/20/2023

I don’t have words to fully convey how much you mean to me. Even now, I feel you pushing me forward and helping me grow. You saved me from my misery and helped me find my way. I wish you were here, I wish you could stay with me forever, but I will carry your memory as I would have carried you. I will learn from your heart, from your spirit, from your drive to play, and passive aggressive about bed time. I will eat chicken for you and have a steak on every one of your birthdays. It’s only fitting to do this for a wolf of Odin. Though you cross that rainbow bridge with a piece of me, know that I will carry a peice of you for all times. My Bearcub, my Baron Von Wolfenstein, my Bearificus Totalis, my Bearacudda, my Bearius Maximus, my Beercube, my BeercubĂ©, my Beartub, my baby. From your first breath, to your last, I loved you every day and never deserved the love you gave but I will continue to try and earn it.
