04/15/2018 – 03/15/2024
Category Archives: Memorials
Zeuss – 03/16/2024
I may have rescued you but you saved me.
Dear Sandy, You will always be our “Baby Girl”. You were the embodiment of pure love, loyalty and kindness. You could make anyone feel like a rock star with your warm hugs, gentle nudges and kisses. Thank you, for bringing JOY into our lives. Although, you are no longer with us, your SPIRIT and PRESENCEContinue reading “Sandy”
in the beginning you gave me purpose. You were by my side through all life’s major milestones, graduation, marriage, having a baby. I selfishly want you to be by my side through the rest but I will find peace in my 14 years of memories with you. I pray that your body and mind areContinue reading “Zoey”
Molly – 03/15/2024
Molly was born in Ireland and made the long journey to the United States as a small puppy. As soon as we met her it was love at first sight. A true relationship began and she became a welcomed addition to our family and our best friend. She loved to play fetch and would chaseContinue reading “Molly – 03/15/2024”
Elinor Pigby
5/28/15 – 3/16/24
Buddy – 01/14/2010-03/15/2024
Always loved. Forever missed.