Cookie, November 2023

I can’t remember when you were born but I remember being a toddler and you were in my life. You were passed around many families and ended up being my cousin’s dog and then she gave you to our grandma and that was it from there. You used to be a feisty dog! Bullying your siblings and taking their food, their place to sleep. EVERYTHING. You were always humping. I clearly remember you humping your sibling while he was on his death bed, you bitch. Lol. We stopped you, of course. We used to visit our grandma and you would greet us with so much love and expose your belly to us. You were such a sweet dog. As you aged and got older, you turned to the most gentle and most precious dog in the whole wide world. The younger you wouldn’t even believe how mellow you are now. When grandma got sick and needed surgery, she gave you to us. The perfect addition to the family. You fit right in. Your only obstacle was Hansel but you were so old and oblivious that you didn’t even care. You knew you were safe with us and Hansel wouldn’t hurt you. Which he never did. Both of you shared the same house but kept a distance. Haha. But when on walks together peacefully. You were the happiest in our house. You got to actually go outside and play and explore and we took you out to places. Grandma didn’t do that for you but it’s not her fault. When grandma wanted you back, you did not want to go. Grandma was a part of your family and you loved her but you loved your new life with us. Grandma cried about it and respected your choice and gave you to us. Oh man. I never heard of a dog who didn’t want to go back to its original owner that you knew for DECADES. Sheesh. Grandma couldn’t have been that crazy! Haha. You got lost in November 2023 and we would not stop looking for you. Somebody called us and told us I think I found your dog and she’s dead. We found you dead wrapped in a plastic bag. You were killed by a evil person. We picked up your remains and buried you. Even now, I think about you and the memories we shared and how you lightened up the room. We LOVED you! We STILL LOVE YOU. In the next life, I hope I have you and Hansel by our side. Rest in peace, Cookie! You’re in heaven now with Hansel and all our departed family members.
