I’ll meet you at the rainbow bridge my love. Letting you go is the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. Losing you means I’ve lost a huge part of myself. You are my forever baby and the best boy I could’ve ever asked for. Being here without you terrifies me because you were with me for 15 years. I don’t like coming home to a house without you. I miss hearing your meows and purrs, and your green eyes. You are the best parts of me. Though letting you go hurts, I do find comfort in the fact that you’re no longer hurting. You can run with Grommett and Luna now, eating all the churu treats you could ask for. I am left with memories of all the amazing days I got to spend with you. I’ll see you again one day at the rainbow bridge and we’ll be together forever. I love you Emmett Head ❤️
Category: Memorials