Fausto Frijoles Torres aka Beans

For those reading this, at one time I know Fausto Frijoles Torres aka Beans counted you as a good friend. Sadly, his time has come but if he could talk I know he would say thank you for all the love, care, and treats y’all have given him throughout the doggy sitting and countless visits!!! He has faced some battles these last couple years from cancer during Covid, multiple cross country drives, atypical Addisons, and finally untreatable arthritis but never ever lost that stubborn puppy like Destructocon love of life. We had even planned a quinceañera for his birthday on January 30 but unfortunately in classic Beans fashion he had other plans. If you knew him you know it was easy to fall in love with Beans. Those big brown eyes captivated anyone as would his unsolicited high-fives to ask for treats. Daily he enjoyed sun-bathing even though it made him very hot, and falling into food comas after breakfast. We like to think of Beans as a reluctant “mochilero” considering his numerous road trips to New Jersey, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Illinois, and every state in between New York and Texas (multiple times!). He enjoyed scratching his own back on park grass and using our rug as his personal post-meal napkin. Atypical Addisons robbed him of his ability to enjoy fetching in the park, but even in his last days he still enjoyed trying in our apartment. He always loved taking very long walks, sniffing EVERYTHING, taking the pigeons’ bread, and enjoying all the street snacks he could find. He got very good at opening any abandoned packaged food on the street and we didn’t stop him any more because at that point he deserved it. As much as he liked human food (especially in his later years) he still never took food he wasn’t explicitly given. Beans was noble; he never bit anyone but fiercely barked to defend his owner while hiding behind him. He will always be a part of our family for as long as we live. Finally, we have one last ask. If you have a second, please just offer up a quick blessing, pour one out, moment of silence, or whatever you feel comfortable doing for him in whatever manner you prefer. Thank you Beans for your unconditional love. To describe how much we love you and what you mean to us would be to ask for words to do the impossible.
