
I think if Ginger could talk, this is what she would say to the best mom and dad a dog could ever have……..I know you have fought hard to keep me and struggled to let me go, but the ti e has come for me to meet my maker and see the world from the other side. My purpose here is complete. I lived my life by example, the way I was designed to live; showing joy and trust, acceptance and loyalty, simplicity and unconditional love. Remember all of the things I have taught you. I am so grateful form the life we shared, the feeling of pure joy just being together. There were so many moments that I wished for time to stand still. These moment are imbedded in my heart . It was always your job to provide and care for me and my gratitude is endless. Your final decision to end my suffering was a blessing and your final gift to me. I felt the comfort of your touch as I took my last breath and felt the hand of my Creatoras I was welcomed into heaven. Heaven is such a wonderful place and all that was promised. I have been restored and feel like a small pup again. I will always be in your heart and you will always be in mine. Until we meet again…..With unconditional love from heaven, Your Loyal Companion and Friend…..Love, Ginger. Yes this is what I think she might say. To Johnny, Carol and Sean, We are very saddened to hear of Gingers passing. I know how special she was in your lives and that your hearts are aching. We too will miss her and seeing her tight in her daddy’s arms were she always loved to be.
Cyndi, Nick and Gianna
