Illusion – 1/17/24

Illusion, my Beloved Friend, wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge. We will be crossing it together one day 🌈❤️
On Wednesday, January 17th, 2024, around 2.45 pm, you embarked on a new journey. With a heavy heart, I stood at the shore of your life and saw you leaving.
I wrote something for you:
My dear Companion, you traveled with me everywhere I went, and you lived with me everywhere I lived. You’ve seen me happy, sad, angry or relaxed and you were always there to share my experiences, even when they were unpleasant or unwelcome.
You came to me whenever I got home and greeted me with your beautiful nose, your cheerful eyes, and this incredible forehead of yours. I miss kissing your forehead, I would kiss it until the end of time. I feel regret and sadness no longer being able to enjoy your physical presence, but you will always occupy a special place in my heart. You’re deep in my heart right now and deep in my heart you’ll remain.
My dear Friend, you never judged me (well, maybe sometimes) and you always loved me for who I was. You loved me unconditionally. Who can say that or who can love like that?
You drove me crazy at times, especially when you were younger. I remember coming back home one day just to be welcomed by all of my notebooks and music sheets chopped, minced and mangled into tiniest pieces. Like a commercial-grade shredding machine! I chased you furiously around the apartment.
You were such a beautiful devil! You had so much enthusiasm and energy that it was hard to keep up with you. I used to say jokingly “Like father, like son”. We’ve been such a pair, haven’t we? You’ve been a reason for so much joy.
My dear Teacher, I’m very grateful to you for so many years together. You taught me how to love deeper. I’m certain you made me a better man. You allowed me to be responsible for another living thing, trying to figure out how to take care of you and keep you safe, perhaps preparing me a little for fatherhood. I loved you regardless of how you performed in life.
I was worried about you. Remember when you got into that fight with this big black dog? I was so mad at you. We had to go to the emergency hospital in the middle of the night because your palate got pierced by his long teeth and we couldn’t stop the bleeding. It is such a frightening experience to see a beloved creature defenseless and distressed.
It was one of the worst nights of my life. It was probably 9 or 10 years ago when we lived in Greenpoint and you bounced back so fast! You’ve had such a robust spirit and willingness to live.
Remember, a few years ago, when you had to have one digit removed from your front paw and you were back running in the park a few days later? Nobody could believe it.
I miss throwing you the ball and then running after you trying to get it back. Sometimes you graciously brought the ball closer to me and waited for me to throw it again, and sometimes you pretended you were offering it back just to snatch it as my hand was about to pick it up. And then off you went with a smirk on your face, wagging your tail like it was the funniest thing in the world!
You loved it when I played piano or guitar around you. When you heard music, you always made that deep sigh or a smacking noise with your lips as your eyes were gently closing.
You were making those noises when you were comfortable cuddling on the couch with me. I miss all those noises coming from you.
My dear Buddy, Polka misses you too. I’m going to get her a bed and I’ll put it in my office. She will come to work with me sometimes so she doesn’t have to stay at home alone. She’s spending some time with Rose too. I promise we’ll take good care of your sister.
I saw you running in the park until the very end. You were so strong that the doctors were astonished. You just got tired, I understand. Life can be tough sometimes.
One day, when I see you, I will give you a big hug, smell your head for an hour and bite your ear for another hour. Get yourself ready! But in the meantime enjoy yourself. Play nicely with other dogs. Be kind.
Try to spend a lot of time in the sunshine and put your little shoes on when you go for a walk in the snow. Eat everything they give you, but you can tell them that you prefer a fish-based diet. Tell them how much you love watermelon. It’s not seasonal out there so you’ll be getting it whenever you want! Put your bed by the radiator or the fireplace or sleep on the grass.
And remember my dear Boy that love always wins. I’m still learning myself what true love is but I know for a fact that the most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.
You, my dear Illusion, gave out so much love. You’re with God now where love started. You will always be loved. Here and thereafter.
Forever Yours,
