Panda Schneider, 10/15/99-9/27/11

My dear sweet Panda, You would have been 15 tomorrow. I light your candle as both a celebration of your life and as a sign of my sorrow. Even though we had you for 12 years it was still to short a period of time. I have found these words that best describe how I feel. You no longer greet me as I walk through the door. You are not there to make me smile, to make me laugh anymore. Life seems quiet without you, you were more than a pet,you were a family member,a friend, a loving soul I will never forget. You were such a great companion, constant loyal and true, my life had been much richer because I had a dog like you. May sunshine good health and all the milkbones you want wait for you at the Rainbow Bridge. Wait for me there Your loving Mom, Deb
Deborah Schneider
