Pio Joseph

Our dearest Pio Joseph – we are so saddened that you are no longer with us. Our hears are breaking. We always thought that we would all grow old together; we never imagined that you would pass at 5 years of age. Everyone always told us that “we were your whole world”, but in reality “you were much more our whole world.” Your constant loyalty, love and affection is more than anyone could ever hope for in a feline friend. You were absolutely perfect and we are so blessed to have spent these last 5 years with you and will treasure in our hearts your memory forever. Until we meet again my dear friend, my beloved gentle Pio, know how much we love you – always will – and that you will always be with us. You are in a place where there is no pain and suffering. We will be looking for you.
Peggy and Susanne C.
