Pippy, my Pipsqueak. We met by chance when you were barely even 1 year old. You were a spitfire with this tiny, ‘squeaky’ meow, and so you were called ‘Pipsqueak’. You would beat up all the other strays and would scream if I picked you up. But then one day Fatso got very sick and was taken by the same thing that would take you. I was devastated and lost when he was in the hospital and for the very first time .. you wanted to come into my home. I let you in and you slowly crawled into my lap while I was in a daze going through my thoughts. I will never forget that moment and how much you saved me then. You were never a replacement for him or for lunch or for Pixie or any of them. You were your own and slowly you became my best friend. I can’t imagine the last 9 years without you and I can’t imagine how life ever was without you. I can’t imagine going through life now without you randomly sitting on me while I sleep, or your cute eyes looking up at me while I work and wanting to be on my lap. Your annoyed face at anything. Your big eyes when your adopted sister Rocky meowed loud. The cuddles we had, the purrs you made, putting your hand on my arm so I can cuddle you. You’re forever in my heart and I hope you are always above me, frolicking somewhere and going crazy watching from a window. I love you always and forever.
Category: Memorials