Plato – 3/28/13-1/1/24

Our hearts have been broken into a million pieces to start this new year and I never thought I’d have to write one of these so soon again. 😪 On 1/1/24 at 2:50am, our Plato, our first foster fail, our icy blue eyed furbaby, crossed the rainbow bridge, now free from all his pain and reunited with his big brothers Smokey and Milo. To say we are devastated is an understatement! 💔 Plato had multiple medical issues and was a special needs furbaby. The moment we picked up Plato as our 3rd foster from a shelter in Amish country Pa back in 2017, our hearts knew this time was different! Plato was discarded by his original owners due to him impregnating a family members dog and they kept the mom and all the puppies but gave Plato and one of his pups to a shelter. Due to his owners negligence by not neutering this boy, they caused the issue and chose puppies over him! Their lose is our gain! We had successfully placed our previous fosters into amazing homes but with Plato, it was an instant connection between him and us. We always keep our fosters separated for one week from our pack to decompress and also for time to see a vet and protect our pack as well. Well somehow Plato knew day 7 was there because this boy, 4 years old at the time, woke up and jumped the baby gates we have separating the sides of the house for fosters and went to meet his brothers, Smokey and Milo! We were nervous at first but it was like he knew he was home. The 3 boys bonded wonderfully, Smokey being the father figure and Milo being the tough brother, sometimes picking on his little bro but loved him so. We just knew that Plato was going to be our first foster fail. He chose us and I thank God daily that he did! He was my cuddle buddy, my sweetheart. He would just make you melt when you looked at him and gave him rubs. He loved wearing clothes to keep warm. He had to sleep under the blankets and loved to make his “nest”. Even when his disc disease made it harder and harder for him to walk, he never gave up!! He wanted to walk on his own, wobbly or not, even when we had a wheelchair for him. Even the night before he passed, he was walking around the hospital winning the hearts of all the staff. We tried everything we could to save him, but sometimes love, money and medicine just isn’t enough. Sadly his tired heart couldn’t hold on anymore and he went to sleep. Getting that call was one of the hardest calls I have ever received!! Our lives turned upside down in one minute, less than 3 hours into the new year, less than 4 months since losing Milo and just about to hit 4 years since losing Smoking among other family losses. We are so thankful for all the years we had with him even though we wish we could’ve had more time. The best comfort we have is he is no longer in any pain and running free with Smokey and Milo among others at the rainbow bridge 🌈 until we see you again, our Boogy, Boogs, wiggly butt, Wiggs, Rest in peace baby! Mom, Dad, Clem, Luna, Meatball and Lucy Lou all love and miss you so much! 🫶🏼 3/28/13-1/1/24 💔
