Sparky – 02/15/2024

When mommy and daddy picked you up from a veterinarian practice where you had recently retired from being a blood donor, we knew you had had a rough life (and you did not look good buddy!). They drugged you every day so you would “behave” and hide your anxiety. We were not going to accept this and, over time, took you off the drugs and, instead, replaced it with unconditional love. We have loved you from the moment we laid our eyes on you. The last stage of your life was your best. You were brimming with happiness. Hanging out on the windowsill and beng admired by all passersby. Resting on daddy’s lap while he read his NYTimes. Flirting with all the pretty girls that came visit. We are deeply sorry you could not stay with us a bit longer. Thank you so much for bringing so much joy to our lives. Narguess and Bertrand
